"One of the challenges that the Jewish people have faced over the centuries is how to preserve our heritage while looking to the future. This may also sum up the goal of Chosen People Ministries. Although when compared to Jewish history, our more than 100-year-old existence seems a mere drop in the bucket of eternity, we must also look ahead – even as we act as responsible stewards of our traditions."



The following excerpt from their website excellently captures the Jews for Jesus vision:

Jews need Jesus too. Jewish people tend to dismiss evangelistic methods and materials that are couched in Christian presuppositions and lingo, because such materials reinforce the assumption that Jesus is for “them,” not “us.” In order to get beyond that assumption, we have to be innovative in the following areas: 

  • Evangelistic Literature 
  • Witnessing Campaigns
  • Music and Drama
  • Secular Media Outreach
  • Person-to-Person Ministry
  • Internet Evangelism


Friends of Israel

Our mission at The Friends of Israel is focused—we are a worldwide Christian ministry communicating biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, while fostering solidarity with the Jewish people


Jewish Followers of Jesus

"We are a ministry committed to teaching and sharing the scriptures from a Messianic perspective."